The Future of 古腾堡编辑器: Is It the Death of WordPress Builders?

What is this 古腾堡 and why is it such a big deal?

I’ll start with the mention of WordCamp, 一个由WordPress用户在全球范围内组织的本地授权会议. 人, 首席执行官们, 用户, 技术人员, 无, 任何使用和不使用WordPress的人都被邀请参加这次会议,因为它带来了关于这个插件的大量信息, 构建网络世界.

Now the word 古腾堡 is new and already starting up a storm. 它将于2018年发布到WordPress本身,并且已经成为计算机社区讨论的热门话题. 但 what exactly is 古腾堡 and why is it such a big deal?


With new websites seemingly coming out every year, 比如Wix, Squarespace, 以及具有可拖放功能的网页,这对新用户非常有吸引力, 没有专业网站建设知识或经验的非技术用户, WordPress似乎已经失去了所有这些选择的吸引力.



古腾堡 gives WordPress the ability to reach that audience. goes on to explain that with version 5 of WP, it will give creators the ability to format their website in “boxes.” Now if you aren’t new to the game, then you know this is going to change almost everything completely. 前提还是一样的, 当然, 但小部件, 短码, 编辑文本和图像的方式也将随着即将到来的变化而出现, according to Matt Mullenweg who is the head of WordPress now.

在某种程度上,它应该使WordPress与其他集成在一个共同的层面上. 所以,对于这样的公司来说 海狸建造者, Elementor, 以及其他页面构建器, 他们必须创造自己独特的方式来使用WordPress本身, bringing many complications just with that to the table.

古登堡的目标是消除这一切,为每个建造者提供一种功能, 插件, 或者任何必要的东西,以使它们的集成更加无缝和易于访问.


For me, it was very complicated to navigate WordPress. 我很擅长点击按钮,很好地想出一个新概念或想法. I am also not a stranger to such web builders like Wix and Squarespace. WordPress took a minute to figure out, 所以对我来说, 古腾堡似乎是一个令人兴奋的创新,它可以领先于其他所有人,因为它是多么的超前. 甚至这些“模板教程”网站中使用的拖放工具和元素也没有这样的格式, 这是一件好事还是坏事取决于你的网站建设偏好.

这让我想到了技术人员. 喜欢的人 WordPress主题 以及像Katy Perry、LinkedIn和流行博客TechCrunch (iTheme)这样的小编码必需品.com), 所有使用WordPress作为网站主机的人可能已经意识到未来五到六个月即将发生的变化.

With that being said, is this the death of WordPress builders completely?

For a while after the official launch of 古腾堡, you will hear what is known as the “Classic Editor,” which is the old way and style that WordPress once used.

但是我可以说WordPress不会摆脱那些让它如此受欢迎和受人尊敬的东西. 古腾堡 gives that easy access and enrichment of text, 内容, 和插件能力的博客, 无, 新用户. 但, 那些从一开始就坚持使用WordPress或一段时间的人肯定会确保WordPress的“经典编辑器”不会消亡, 或者至少不会死得太狠. 所有用户都将有一段过渡期,让他们有时间确保自己的网站能够正常运行,并且适合古腾堡.

It will purge a good bit of customization. Because if 用户 want to use the new, 更好的, 标准系统, 他们将需要改变他们的项目以适应这个新项目的需要. So, while a lot of work will be necessary, 古腾堡 has benefits. I’ll use the example of Blockbuster. Blockbuster was approached by this little, 一家名为Netflix的成长型公司提出了收购要约,但Blockbuster拒绝了. 百视达坚持认为,人们喜欢他们所做的事情,必须付出, 在过去的十年里,随着在线视频流媒体的兴起,它的销量和受欢迎程度直线下降,纽约证券交易所正式宣布它将被下架.com).

That is what I believe WordPress is trying to avoid. It will be harder for current 用户 at first, and it may not be the biggest and most used thing on the market. 它将更好地结合一个单一的和更有益的系统,其中插件和构建器可以相互交互,形成一个更具交流性的程序. WordPress will be on the playing field with the 无 and people.

Elementor builder wordpress themes banner

So, is it the death of WP builders?

现在不行. 古登堡将提供新的选择,并最终成为WordPress希望其浏览者使用的主要用途, 但截至2018年, your customizations and your current page builders are safe. Do not be so closed off to the idea of this new project. 它可以为你的网站提供很多新的好处,这些好处只能通过古腾堡的试用来探索, which you can use and download right now through WordPress website.



如果你有兴趣了解更多关于这个主题,看看Templateog体育首页的 免费的 电子书, 点击下面的链接, 关于整个古腾堡编辑器的主题,毫无疑问,很快就会在CMS世界掀起风暴.

Gutenberry - Clean 博客 WordPress Theme for 古腾堡 editor

Gutenberry - Clean 博客 WordPress Theme for 古腾堡 editor

Gutenberry is the clean blog WordPress Theme for 古腾堡 editor.

古腾堡 provides excellent 内容 editing possibilities, 和Gutenberry, specifically designed for 古腾堡, represents the best opportunities for the blog creation. 这个主题最有可能使你的博客获得高排名,拥有各种各样的功能, 加载速度快, ZeGuten插件, 而且很时髦, 同时, 外观优雅的设计选项.

Gutenberry主题有5个变体的主页设计,也可以随时编辑它们. Crystal has three pre-designed layouts and a subscription form block, Mauve with its light pink colors will suit well for the female audience, Aqua displays light-blue and white colors with a neatly-looking sidebar, which you can enable or disable when you need, 薰衣草有一个干净的块, 网格布局, and sleek chess to organize your 内容 perfectly, Nude showcases the trendy posts layout and posts in a boxed chess layout. 除了, 您可以从6种独特的博客布局中选择分页和所有方便的方式来显示元数据. 它们包括经典列表, 经典清单小, 没有侧栏的经典清单, 经典清单小 without sidebar, 小清单网格, 和大列表网格.

Gutenberry possesses the ZeGuten插件 for adding extra 内容. You can add the following 11 additional blocks of 内容: Posts, Section, 定价表, 横幅, 圆进展, 倒数计时器, 进度条, 内联SVG, 形象比较, Map, 和动画盒子.


You can make your blog looking unique, 没有复杂的修改选项和长时间加载额外的小部件通过使用优秀的古登贝里主题.

Obtaining nifty Gutenberrry theme, you'll have an easy-to-work-with template, suitable for a variety of site options, having a number of additional blocks, responsive and showcasing high operating results.


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