冒险史诗 &《泰坦帝国》&”;
一个强大的, majestic and 鼓舞人心的 史诗 track with 大的鼓 and 钹, 电影中的弦乐和喇叭, 深的钢琴, 垫, 风和子效应. 这个终极质量的配乐是理想的视频...
"Carol of the Bells" is a magical and mysterious classical royalty-free track with bells, 管弦乐队, 打击乐器, 钢琴, 还有现场录制的弦乐四重奏. 它给人一种神奇和惊奇的感觉...
《og体育首页》是一首温柔而充满爱的歌曲, perfect for any project needing a romantically touching atmosphere. It's designed to be a delicate and warm dream sequence, or to provide a...
The Heartfelt Farewell is a dream-like, peaceful and 反光 track. 这 song is perfect for scenes d史诗ting the end of a phase, or the end of life. 朦胧的背景音乐与之形成对比...
情感上的钢琴 &“最后的希望&”;
一种情感, energetic 戏剧性的 钢琴 with outstanding quality of sound and brilliant perfomance! Best choice for 图走开, theatre drama, melodrama, 电视连续剧, 电影 and cinema trailers,...
体贴的弦乐, 柔和的铜管风增添了温暖, 军鼓增加了军事气氛, 创造一种既尖锐又有力的声音.
民族钢琴 &“Sogdiana之心”&”;
一种情感, 鼓舞人心的, 戏剧性的 电影 钢琴 track with outstanding quality of sound and brilliant live perfomance with ethnic colors of Middle Asia! 关于古代中部土地的音乐...
Sweet Thoughts is a relaxing, 反光 and 环境 royalty free music track. 这 track will give an intimate, 平静 and dreamy atmosphere to your project. 这首曲子以可爱的钢琴图案为特色...
戏剧性的急转弯 &“野外狩猎&”;
A dark, rising and suspense 电影 track with incredible hybrid 管弦乐队 sound! Imagine the Witcher begining his hunt on evil spirits! Very 戏剧性的 and atmospheric powerful track with ethnic...
动人的戏剧音乐 &“雨钢琴&”;
触碰, 情感 lyrical 钢琴 music with very beautiful sound and brilliant perfomance by professional pianist on Grand 钢琴, 理想的电影预告片和挑逗, 电视连续剧, 图走开,...
鼓舞人心的电影 &“Stormbreaker&”;
非常强大的, 鼓舞人心的 and motivational 电影 piece with hybrid 管弦乐队, 深的钢琴, 唱诗班, 立管 and subs creates a specially atmosphere and sound for your projects. 这种高级音乐...
电影预告片 &“复仇者&”;
史诗, 混合免版税的电影预告主题, 伴着柔和的钢琴, 图片。, 黄铜, 字符串, fx, 还有强劲的鼓声. 音乐 of ideal quality and sound, best for 电影 trailers, soundtracks, 史诗...
Stay with me is the perfect music for a romantic, 反光, or 情感 scene. 为梦幻而设计, 清醒些, 宁静的气氛, this royalty free music track features soft 钢琴 chords...
——充满希望的温暖,和深沉的钢琴曲. Inspirational, simple and elegant music will evoke delicate nostalgic and sensitive feelings.- Best for sweet 情感 creations like 电影s, 反光 videos...
电影作品 &“史诗般的鼓舞人心&”;
一个鼓舞人心和激励的史诗曲目, 以电影般的弦乐器和铜管乐器为特色, 断奏和连奏弦乐, 深的钢琴, 史诗般的鼓, 唱诗班, synth低音, 钹, 垫, 大气的作品,立管, sub...
史诗电影预告片 &“攀登&”;
一个戏剧性的, 鼓舞人心的, 强大的混合动力拖车与许多行动, 以令人难以置信的交响乐团为特色, 三角钢琴, 混合唱诗班, 史诗般的鼓, 图片。, 垫和不同的声音效果. 这...
电影预告片 &“全球觉醒&”;
一个令人鼓舞的, 电影 史诗 track with sound of symphonic 管弦乐队, 大的鼓, 钹, 子滴, synth木琴, 电影钢琴与合唱团. 理想的电影预告片,挑逗,配乐,史诗...
电影英雄 &“海军上将Nakhimov&”;
一个令人鼓舞的, heroic and 史诗 cinemaitc theme with lots of motivation and power! You can feel a mighty will and unlimited energy in this 鼓舞人心的 music! 强大的电影铜管和弦乐,史诗...
强大的,史诗般的,好莱坞式的. 这 futuristic 管弦乐 track will transport you to your next adventure. Instruments such as 字符串, 钢琴, and 管弦乐队 are used to create a sense of...