一个有趣的, catchy, 乐观的 and uplifting track with 快乐的 and bright melody. 有趣的音乐. 最适合儿童项目, 快乐和有趣的视频, 生日聚会, 家庭幻灯片,...
这是纯真、快乐和冒险的电影音乐.This is great for 乐观的 and light-hearted commercial and non-commercial media projects. 它会增加一种异想天开的、积极的和喜剧的价值...
A really hot, sexual groove track with retro 有趣的k vibes all round. Featuring: rhythm 吉他s, wah-wah 吉他, 黄铜, 低音吉他, bongos, percussion and 鼓.非常适合做电视或广播广告,...
Funny and 古怪的 folk acoustic music with comedic slow, clumsy pace. 欢快的口哨旋律和玩具般的乐器(尤克里里), 班卓琴, 木琴) make this music perfect for 孩子们 oriented campaigns...
“迪克西兰爵士街头乐队”是一支活泼的乐队, 乐观的 track that captures the energy and spirit of traditional Dixieland jazz. The track features a horn section, sizzling 吉他 riffs, and a swinging...
跟着这首古怪的流行歌曲走吧.This track intros with a 低音 riff combined with a twangy clean 吉他 playing the high octave. 随着节奏的开始,笛子被引入...
销售: 1
古怪的, mysterious hip-hop instrumental stock music mixing classical chamber orchestra pizzicato strings with 有趣的ky 鼓 beat: an original mixture perfect for odd situations, 怪异的或好奇的...
Playful and entertaining orchestral music for 有趣的 scenes and comedic situations. 拨奏的字符串, 木琴, 曼陀林, 铜管部为喜剧表演, 幽默提示或以儿童为导向...
Mixture of old and modern sounds with jazzy clarinets and 黄铜 playing over a groovy electro beat. Main theme is filtered with an old spoilt vinyl effect at the beginning, and it alternates with...

计算-音轨 by PineGroove

拨奏的字符串 and marimba pattern introduce this curious and reflective track. Suggesting the idea of time passing and questioning situations. 悬浮大气和评估大气. 完美的...
用这种乐观的方式感受夏天的美好氛围, 有趣和古怪的节奏轨道与电吉他, 低音吉他, 黄铜, 复古的器官, 手鼓掌, 鼓和60年代的冲浪摇滚氛围.非常适合做广告,...

60年代摇滚-音轨 by Abydos_音乐

一个有趣的, driving retro rock track with all the cool elements of the 1960s: electric 吉他, 低音, 鼓, 弦乐器和铜管乐器.The result is a really cool and fresh 60s sounding tune, perfect for...