
Template Name Downloads Price
Ticketify - Shopify订票主题 3 $48
Gameify -游戏和游戏Shopify.0 Theme 2 $58


Planning an event is a difficult task, especially if it is something like a concert or performance. 有必要找到那个地方, 确保音频设备无问题, 并应对其他挑战. Luckily, some companies provide event planning services. If you provide such services, then having a website is important for your business. A site helps to promote your services and find new clients. 从零开始创建一个网站是很困难的. 您需要考虑各种技术方面. 你还应该注意设计. 使用活动策划Shopify主题. It is a great starting point that allows you to achieve the desired result quickly.

Shopify活动组织者主题-功能 & 特征


  • Sorting options - help clients choose the product or service that meets their requirements.
  • 谷歌地图-显示人们可以在哪里找到你的办公室.
  • 推荐——让你的客户留下评论. It may help to build trust between your potential clients and your company.
  • Sticky header - this element always stays visible and is ideal for menus and your logo.
  • Official Shopify applications compatible - you may use any official Shopify application without having issues.
  • Megamenu -您可以快速添加简单或复杂的菜单.
  • Background video - make your website look dynamic and modern by using a video as background.
  • Ajax cart - clients can add or remove items from the cart without reloading the page.
  • seo友好-提高您的网站搜索引擎排名. It helps to increase the number of visitors and potential clients.
  • Search form - this feature will help people find the service they need.
  • Clean and commented code, detailed documentation, dropdown menus, blog, etc.

Who Can Benefit From Event Planner Shopify Store Creation

Our products are great for everyone who wants to create a modern website fast. Templateog体育首页's themes are ideal for companies and individuals that offer different event planning services:

  • 事件装饰.
  • 为活动寻找地点.
  • 发送邀请.
  • 食物安排等等.

You may also create an online store with various products required for events, 比如横幅, chairs, etc. You may sell digital products as well (for example, invitations templates). Themes are ideal both for small teams and companies that have hundreds of clients.

How to Create a Successful Online Business with Shopify Event Organizer Themes

模板是项目的基础. It is necessary to find the product that meets all your requirements. We have numerous attractive themes, and choosing the perfect one takes time. Please use the left panel to make the searching process faster.

  • Select tags, color, price range, user rating, and other options.
  • 打开产品页面了解更多信息. The product page includes important information, such as a description, a list of features, etc. Please use the Live Demo feature to see how various elements of the template work.
  • 将产品添加到购物车中,结帐并下载.
  • 安装并激活模板.
  • Modify the design by adding, replacing, or removing elements. Add your content, such as images, texts, videos, audio files, etc.
  • 确保你的网站没有问题. 所有的按钮、链接和菜单都应该正常工作. 测试在线支付系统. Ensure that there are no typos, stretched images, and broken videos.

Your website is ready, and it is necessary to focus on website promotion to attract more clients.



A template comes with a set of useful elements and features. It means that you do not need to write code or download extra applications. You get numerous components that you can combine to achieve the desired functionality. 你也避免了在布局上做文章. You do not need to check out tutorials or articles dedicated to the website design. 同时,模板易于编辑. Such flexibility makes themes great for different projects.

What elements should event planner Shopify themes include?

A template has to include all the elements you need to create a useful website. A Google Maps feature is great to show where people can find your office. 通过博客可以更好地介绍你的服务. A gallery is perfect for demonstrating how you have helped people. Make sure that a template has all the features you need to build the website you want.

Is it difficult to customize event planner Shopify themes?

Templateog体育首页’s templates come with detailed documentation that includes information that may help you achieve the desired result. Please also note that most of our templates are compatible with visual page builders.


Free products may lack the features you need for your project. It means that you have to implement the necessary functions personally. You may also download extra applications, but it requires time to find the perfect one for you. 免费模板对于小而简单的项目非常有用. If you want to build a modern website to help your business grow - consider buying a premium template.

Top Collection of Shopify Event Planner eCommerce Themes 2024 for Your Stores

Watch a helpful video with the hottest event organizer designs for your Shopify store. 为音乐会找一个完美的主题, performances, 活动策划项目, 并使其盈利,以响应, SEO-friendly, 和完全成熟的有趣的主题布局.