
Landscaping and exterior design create a special atmosphere and make people feel inspired. Both avid esthetics and ordinary people like enjoying everything around them. 这就是种植服务如此受欢迎的原因. 首先是互联网, where people who want to create a beautiful green surrounded area around the country house will search for specialists who can make it. So, 如果你有什么可以提供给这样的听众, your business needs to be visible for them on the global web. These garden design landing page templates are a perfect solution for presenting your activity, services, 最新的项目. Viewing your site, clients will see that you are a professional who can create incredible beauty right away out the door of their house.


考虑你的细分市场的特殊性, we understand you need to showcase professionalism in landscaping and inform about what you offer. 这些设计是预先制作好的, so you don't need to spend hours creating a stunning web presence or thinking about placing media or text content. All you need to do is modify the code in NotePad++, Dreamweaver, or any other convenient way. In addition, you will guaranteed benefit from the following features:

  • Responsive design - works properly on all devices, from PCs to smartphones.
  • Retina-ready - displays content in high quality on high pixel density devices.
  • Performance optimization - rapid web page loading that gives perfect user experience.
  • Anchor menu - when a person clicks on a menu button, the content scrolls down automatically.
  • Back-to-top button - a viewer can return to the top of the page instantly.
  • seo友好-增加评级在搜索引擎.
  • Parallax - an impressive visual effect like an illusion of depth.
  • Smooth scroll, clean and commented HTML, sliced PSD, JQuery, Bootstrap, and more.


A high-quality web presence is a key for successful promotion on the Internet. That is why we keep an eye on updating and trends of the digital world to provide you with the best themes. Any design from our collection is fully and easily customizable if you know HTML. 因此,您可以编辑代码,而无需处理可视化外观. 如果你没有编程技能, paying attention to the MotoCMS templates we developed for such cases is better. They contain an admin panel as the main tool for modifying the design to make the creation process smooth, quick, and simple. 所以,这两种类型的主题是完美匹配的:

  • gardening;
  • planting;
  • landscaping;
  • lawn services;
  • agriculture;
  • 景观建筑师;
  • 场地管理员和花商;
  • 园艺学校和课程;
  • 外部设计公司等等.


The first step is determining what theme fits your requirements the most. For that, you will benefit from the left sidebar with categories. 接下来的步骤是:

  1. Select a tag, color, features, style, and other categories on the panel.
  2. Open the product page to find out more about it via a description and screenshots. 您也可以使用实时演示选项来预览它.
  3. 将商品添加到购物车中,结帐并下载.
  4. Edit the code if you pick up HTML or customize the layout via an admin panel if your choice is MotoCMS themes.
  5. 让它可以在全球网络上访问.


Why do garden design landing page templates have an admin panel?

It is a convenient tool for modifying the layout according to your taste. You can move, add, edit, and remove any layout element in a few clicks. We should note that only MotoCMS templates have such an instrument.


Yes, all these digital assets are search engine optimized to help your project rank higher in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. 由于这个特性, the targeted audience opens it to learn more about your services and advantages from working with you, 给你带来很多流量和人气.

How may I ask you a question about garden design landing page templates?

如果您在修改布局时遇到问题, you may always write in our live chat available around the clock. 我们的支持团队将尽快答复您.

Are premium garden design landing page templates better than free ones?

Free items are good for small businesses because they have a simple visual look and basic components. Meantime, premium assets have advanced functionality, uniqueness, and the highest performance. Weigh pros and cons to determine which type suits you the most.

How to Create a Plant Landing Page That Converts - Tips by Templateog体育首页

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 迷人的登陆页面创建技巧. 用我们的指南建立一个转换花园设计的登陆页面. It's perfect for gardening and planting organizations one-page websites.