Zoomie -野生动物园Joomla模板
The developers of this zoo template perfectly worked out all the moments of the interaction of the future website with various devices. Also, you will never encounter the problems with processing...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5


模板名称 Downloads Price
Zoomie -野生动物园Joomla模板 3 $55
Zoo - Flora & Fauna Responsive Joomla模板 1 $45


每个孩子的梦想都是拥有一只宠物. Right? 或者谁不喜欢去动物园? All adults and children love to relax and have fun watching the cute and friendly animals, 这就是为什么动物园网站这么棒的原因吗. The site should use a lovely theme that will bring people the joy of going to the zoo even when they can't go there physically. Our zoo Joomla templates use a friendly interface that provides a comfortable online experience. Easy to install and maintain, your zoo will appear online in no time with any of these templates.


The best features that make this Joomla Zoo template so amazing and attract new viewers and visitors from all over the world are as follows:

  • 现代设计. Products are highly cool in visual and give a great first impression. People will feel more relaxed and adventurous as soon as they land on your page due to the high-quality images used to depict animals they can find in your zoo.
  • 简单的导航. Activities and attractions are smoothly highlighted using a joyful color scheme and good content organization. It creates a well-structured area where people are reading through your pages and where they can find fun and interesting information.
  • 高性能. Templates for Joomla zoo support cross-browser compatibility and are 100% responsive, thus giving you the possibility to invite people from all over the world to visit your amazing location. Give an energy boost to your zoo activity and let people know about your amazing project.

此外,买家还能得到一件很酷的乐器. 它非常方便,容易理解,而且很有用. Customers don't have to be programmers to work with navigation.

谁可以使用Zoo Joomla主题?

It's no secret that customers may easily adapt many products on this page. Of course, if the area of your business is not fundamentally different. For example, you cannot combine the template for zoo Joomla with heavy industry car production. 你不能等待奇迹的出现. For such areas of activity, particular products are most suitable.

Therefore, 如果你有一个动物收容所, 慈善组织, zoo, 与宠物的发展计划, original blog, 那么我们的产品将非常适合您.

Custom and see tangible results already on the first day after installation. 外观会合你的意的. 它将变得别致、时尚和现代.

使用Zoo Joomla模板创建网站的提示

To stand out from the crowd, you should forget about traditional methods of attracting customers. 因此,试着在你的网站中包括:

  • Voice option. Even though this technology is not taken seriously by many SEO specialists today, the numbers inevitably indicate that this method of interaction with search engines is gaining popularity more and more actively. So Google said that 20% of requests today are made with voice. 但是,这究竟如何影响搜索趋势呢? It is obvious that in 2022 the share of voice search will grow. SEO needs to consider this fact when planning a campaign. First, you need to look for new niches in long search queries, 专注于日常语言的自然形式.
  • 瞄准年轻一代. 据统计, about 67% of young consumers began to spend more money on online shopping before the pandemic. In older groups, the growth of this indicator is more restrained.
  • 与有影响力的人合作. 网红的受欢迎程度在不断增长, and you as a brand can cooperate with them in various advertising campaigns.



If your request is related to the zoological park Joomla theme not functioning correctly, 下载错误, 或者一般的入门说明, 请随时向我们寻求帮助. We limit the questions to issues related to getting the product installed and working. Anything else is beyond the scope of a template sale. We do, however, offer custom services at an affordable cost.

我可以自己安装zoo Joomla模板吗?

当然非常欢迎你试一试. Especially if it's a new website setup and you know a little about basic web design, you can do no wrong by following the instructions provided. You will be able to find instructions on editing your Joomla website template for the zoo news portal in our Online Help Center, 我们的知识库, 或者在实时聊天中询问接线员. You can also contact us via Ticket System for a free quote to assist you with editing the template.

Are there any extra costs involved in zoo Joomla templates?

You might see additional offers you can opt to purchase during the checkout, but we don't have any hidden costs involved in our template sales. If you're not used to utilizing templates for website projects, we'll be happy to assist you in choosing the correct template/product for your project.

zoo Joomla模板需要新的软件吗?

这取决于项目的需求. Joomla has all the necessary controls to add/edit pages, images, etc. However, if you want to edit photos, you will need some image editing software.

为什么要使用Joomla Zoo主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

Watch a helpful video about the outstanding Joomla Zoo themes features. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, and much more valuable opportunities to make your Zoo website project unique and successful!