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Monstroid 2. 如何在“事件日历”插件的帮助下管理事件

Erica Saunders February 13, 2017
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我们很高兴为您提供一份关于如何与 ‘The Events Calendar’ WordPress plugin. 它是精心设计的,可扩展的 plugin 这让您可以轻松地共享您的事件.


Certain templates have the plugin included by default. 如果您已经安装了它,可以随意跳过本节.

有几种方法可以安装 plugin. 你可能会发现下面列出了最常见的:

  1. 最简单的方法是参观 Plugins-> Add New 部分,并使用 Search 字段中查找 ‘The Events Calendar’ plugin. 过滤后,按下 Install button and don’t forget to Activate 安装完成后.

  2. 安装的另一种方法是访问 official plugin page ,并按“下载”按钮保存 plugin zip archive to your local computer. 然后把这个包放到你的站点上 Plugins -> Add New section using the ‘Upload plugin button at top.

  3. 您也可以上传的内容 plugin’s zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your FTP and activate it at the Plugins -> Installed Plugins section at your site.

You’ll see the Events label in your left-side dashboard menu after the successful plugin安装和激活. 让我们学习如何管理它.

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Creating a Single Event

Click on the Events -> Events label to manage an existing event or create a new one. As to creating a new event在美国,这很容易做到 Events -> Add New section. Each event 可以根据您的需要进行配置. 让我们检查一下可用的设置:

  • Event Title -你可以定义你的标题 event here.

  • Body -主要事件描述在这里. You may use plain text, HTML content, shortcodes, etc.

  • The Events Calendar– you can define event specifics here.

    • Time & Date section allows you to set Start/End 时间和日期或设置全天 Event for the needed date.

    • Location 节允许您设置 location of your event 并显示谷歌地图,如果需要.

    • Organizers section allows you to define event organizers,从先前保存的列表中选择它们,或创建一个新列表.

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    • Event Website 节允许您指定 link to the event’s website 让您的网站访问者更多地了解 event.

    • Event Cost 如果您需要为参与此操作设置一些价格,则使用节 event – you may select the Currency Symbol and enter the cost here.

    • Finally, the Additional Functionality 节允许您检查可用的附加组件,以防您正在寻找重复发生的事件, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views and more.

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  • Excerpt 让您设置简短的描述为您的 event. You may use plain text or HTML content here.

  • Each event can also have certain Tags, you may add it to some Event Category and upload the Featured image at the right side. You may also define the Event Options, such as Hide From Event Listings, mark it as Sticky in Month View(当事件在月视图中具有粘性时), 它们将首先显示在给定日期块内显示的事件列表中)或 Feature Event (专题事件在 frontend 在视图、存档和小部件中).

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Feel free to check your event on a frontend 当你完成它的编辑. 正如您所看到的,有很多选项可供您配置每个选项 event precisely.

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General plugin settings

Please, navigate to the ‘Events’ -> Settings tab 定义一般事件日历 plugin’s settings.

  1. General settings tab 允许您设置要在单个页面上显示的事件数量,确定 event’s slug,显示评论,从博客中包括/排除事件,选择默认货币符号等. 你也可以选择你想要的 Map Settings here (i.e.,启用谷歌地图,设置默认地图缩放级别), Miscellaneous Settings and Timezone Settings for your events.

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  2. Display tab allows to select Basic Template Settings (event layout and styling options), choose Date Format Settings and add the Advanced Template Settings (include some HTML before/after the event content).

  3. Licenses tab serves for entering the License Key, required for plugin’s support and updates.

  4. APIs tab is used for entering the Google Maps API key,用于显示谷歌地图. 如果您打算在地图上显示您的事件,请确保创建您的唯一 Google Maps API 键并粘贴到这里的输入字段,特别是如果你的网站收到很多流量.

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  5. Imports tab 用于配置从其他网站导入的事件.

好了,谢谢大家. 轻松管理您的活动,如果有任何问题,请随时与我们联系!


Monstroid 2. 如何在“事件日历”插件的帮助下管理事件

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