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WordPress. 如何在SiteGround服务器上安装引擎(手动安装)

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本教程将向您展示如何在您的 SiteGround server.

WordPress. 如何在SiteGround服务器上安装引擎(手动安装)

If you purchased  a WordPress template 你要做一个全新的安装, 首先,你需要下载并安装WordPress包.

Downloading WordPress

Open your web browser and google “wordpress”, then  click WordPress›博客工具,发布平台和CMS or just go to

  1. Click Download WordPress ## 在页面的右侧部分(其中#.#  is the current version of WordPress, e.g. WordPress 3.6).

    确保您的模板与最新版本兼容(您可以在模板的预览页中看到它的列表) Software Required”,否则你需要下载所需的版本

  2. 在你点击按钮下载WordPress之后, 将弹出一个窗口,要求您将文件保存到您的web选择的位置 browser 默认设置,你需要点击“确定”,否则它会根据你的选择自动开始下载文件 browser configuration.
  3. At the end you will get a file  in the directory you saved it to. 它是一个压缩文件夹,首先需要解压缩,然后再压缩,然后再上传到服务器. 使用任何解压缩程序(例如, WinZip 我们建议您使用哪个教程 download and install 它的试用版遵循相同的步骤). 您需要右键单击该文件并选择“提取到wordpress-3””. That will create an unzipped wordpress-3.6  folder.
  4. Double click the folder to open it. 在里面你会发现另一个名为wordpress的文件夹. 双击该文件夹以查看其内容.
  5. “wordpress”文件夹包含了一大堆文件和文件夹,这些文件和文件夹需要上传到你的服务器上才能开始安装wordpress.  The File Manager SiteGround自带的一个工具,允许你上传一个压缩文件夹,然后在你的服务器上解压缩. 所以你需要选择“wordpress”文件夹中的所有内容, 右键单击突出显示的内容并选择 “Add to archive.
  6. In the Archive name and parameters” window that will pop up select .ZIP as the Archive format and click “Ok”.
  7. You will get a new wordpress.您需要将这些文件中的Zip文件夹上传到服务器.

Uploading to server

The next step assumes you already have a domain 在SiteGround注册,并使用登录详细信息访问其 Control panel.

  1. Log into the Control Panel 使用通过电子邮件发送给您的详细信息.
  2. On the frontend page scroll down click the File Manager icon under the File Management section

    (我们建议您保持页面打开,因为您将再次需要它来创建一个 database, so right click the File Manager icon and select Open Link in New Tab).

  3. By default the next page opens the root public_html folder. 您需要决定是否要从www访问您的站点  (where mysite is your domain name) – then  the wordpress.Zip文件应上传到public_html directory, or if you want to open it from yoursite.Com/wordpress(如果你有一些文件在public_html already)  – then you will need to click New Folder 在顶部,输入子文件夹的名称(e.g. 然后点击创建新文件夹——这将创建一个新文件夹,名称与你在public_中输入的名称相同html directory 您需要双击哪个文件才能打开并上传文件.
  4. Click Upload at the top menu click Browse

    and navigate to the file on your computer.

  5. Double click the file or click on it and click Open to start uploading the file.


  1. 上传完文件后,点击 Back to… (directory where the file is uploaded).
  2.  You will see the folder in the directory you uploaded it to. Click on it to select, then click Extract at the top.
  3. In the window that pops up click Extract File(s)

    一个新窗口将显示已解压缩的文件和文件夹的列表. Click Close.

  4. When the wordpress.Zip被解压缩,你将不再需要它,所以点击它来选择,然后点击 Delete. In the next window  click Delete File(s).
  5. On the right click Go next to the field that shows the upload directory or just refresh the browser window. 您将看到刚刚删除的解压后的wordpress文件夹的内容.

Installing WordPress


  1. Open your web browser and type in your domain name (or your domain name / subdirectory)  and click Enter.
  2. 您将看到安装的第一页. Click Create  a Configuration File.

  3. Click Let’s Go! on the next page.
  4. 对于下一步,您将需要创建一个 database.

  5. Creating database

    1. Open the SiteGround frontend page and click the MYSQL Database Wizard icon in the Database Tools section.
    2. At Step 1  enter a name for the new database and click Next Step.

    3. 在第2条输入用户名并生成密码. You may click Password  Generator to create the password for you. Then click Create User.

    4. Step 3 requires adding the user to your database. 在您继续之前,我们建议您复制用户名、 database 名称和密码相关信息,并将其保存在计算机上的文本文件中. Make sure that ALL PRIVILLAGES are checked and click Next Step.

    5. Step 4 means your database 已经创建,你可以返回进入WordPress安装页面吗.
  6. Enter your database connection details. Leave the Database Host (localhost) and the Table Prefix (wp_) fields unchanged and click Submit.

  7. Click Run the Install on the next page.
  8. Enter your Site Title,登录你的WordPress管理面板的用户名/密码和你的电子邮件地址. This info can be changed anytime later. Click Install WordPress.

  9. WordPress has been installed. Click Login 使用您之前输入的详细信息登录您的wordpress管理员.

  10. When you are in the backend of your WordPress site, click WordPress -> View Site in the top left corner to open its frontend. 您将看到默认的wordpress主题. 现在您可以继续并安装您购买的模板.


WordPress. 如何在SiteGround服务器上安装引擎(手动安装)

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